Gentile's Club

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Nature and Morals

Ok. I can't wait I am going to start. We have talked about this a bit before, but let's further explore the relationship between biology and morality. This is a fundamental argument for the 'new atheist' attack coming from Dawkins and Harris et al right now. I think it is fundamentally flawed in the exact same way that they are flawed in their thinking about the big bang. The big bang works well with Christian beliefs on origins. So does, I think, a biological link to morality. For about ten years now there have been books out about how we evolved morals as a need to survive. Matt Ridley, for example is an outspoken atheist who says that as morality can come from human evnolution, there is clearly no God. Huh? I think they are refuting Lewis's argument from morality, but its as empty as saying the universe is old, therefore God did not create it. If God is the author of evolution, why could he not be the author of how we evolved morals. Just because you can demonstrate logically (remember there is very little empirical work that can be done on this) that morals may have been necessary in early human development, I just dont see how 'no God' follows. Can someone out there explain it to me?


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