Gentile's Club

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Freewill Gene

This commentary is meant to be a companion piece with my last entry " A Chance Destiny":

In our world today, much more focus is given to the importance of the "individual" than ever before in history. And what I've found interesting is that you'd think that individualist attitude would lend to more of a freewill/chance mentality, but it hasn't.
Science of today now says that our DNA MAKES us who we are, and we have little say in the matter. There's supposedly gay genes, selfish genes, aggressive genes, alcoholic genes (I've seen these close up in a microscope, they're holding a glass of Tequila with an umbrella in it). And it's all become an excuse for our actions now, as if no one, especially the individual is to blame for his actions, such as alcoholism, that person is just a victim of chemicals and genetics embedded within him, and so cannot possibly be blamed, let alone punished.
It's the "secular" belief in this kind of fate that I've found to be predominant in our society. Blame first our genetics for being fat, then blame the environment's stimuli around us, which leaves little to no blame for the actual overweight individual to take responsibility.
I just find it ironic, in a world where on the one hand we want to individually choose morals and have relativism and pragmatism rule our lives in freewill for the individual, the very other hand wants no responsibility for those same actions they are now "free" to do after disrobing from religion and government. When in reality, they're substituting their so called chains of God and government and exchanging them for chains of DNA and outside stimuli.
Where's the freedom when even the secularist can't deny fate in a world where he wants absolute chance of the dice to answer all the why questions of origin and life?
It seems then, per chance, there's no getting around "fate" or a set path, but as Gregorcoff once said, humanity has taken all possible sides of the moral code, so it's been proven that "freewill" cannot be denied as breaking from that fate, that God, that DNA strand. they both exist, the question is how much of life is fate and how much is free choice? maybe it's a different ratio for everyone, contingent on how much they decide to think about such things, instead of just letting the autopilot go. But either way, it seems science and our own DNA have stymied the relativist once again. There's no getting around fate of some sort, unless we can find a way to eradicate DNA or that pesky GOD situation. Until then...


  • At 9:17 PM , Blogger Moggy said...

    You have probably seen this, but if not I think it's something you would be interested in.

  • At 9:23 PM , Blogger Moggy said...

    Sorry I can see that my link was too long.

    On the right side under the bar "browse articles by topics"
    If you click on "Evidence for Design"
    and then one of the "probabilities for life on earth"

    It's pretty interesting everything that would have had to happen by chance for us to get here.


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