Gentile's Club

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Fate, Per Chance?

Yesterday I was watching television and an actress said "No one's moving, you're not going to Calif" -- this is when I turned the channel to a completely unrelated show and heard : "fornia. what a great place." Coincidences and chance do happen in a universe full of time and space. So how much of it do we control of this world, and thus call it, Freewill? I find, not so much.

We are inextricably linked and controlled by the patterns and whims and workings of the physical world from weather conditions to the effect of gravity, and the fact that our very existence is due to countless minuscule details of nature such as the distance our planet is from other bodies of space to the precise amount of certain elements on our periodic table being in our atmosphere. All these multitude of things we've had no say in.

Then there is our very physical bodies that have a built in system all geared toward eventual decay and death, all of which we can delay but have no CONTROL over in the end. On top of that, there is the small fact that we are not alone, and are Affected and Effected by each creatures' individual decisions. Oh and of course there's the thing that controls us from Within called a DNA code that make us predisposed to act in certain ways, mounted upon behavioral conditioning put on us from our parents who themselves were conditioned, add that to the programming our brains have had shot into us from our environment and those who are in charge of disseminating information as to what is important in life and what is not such as TV, films, advertising, teachers, those in power, bosses, etc, all of whom went through similar conditioning and predisposed genetics as we have. And then there is... me.

And you. the little individual, who is adrift and must decide if he or she is willing to sift through all our DNA, the physical world, operant and classical conditioning, the random and patterned choices of billions of other individuals, and the power of Nature itself, to come to that small point we have at every moment in our small lives to make the one thing completely up to ourselves: a choice. Most of the time we are too busy to even do that and just let the tide take us. And yet with all the insurmountable amount of things predetermined or at least out of our control, the only thing that separates me from you is that very little, and so very powerful word: Choice. If it wasn't for this small word, all DNA would be the same and everything homogenized and truly nothing would matter.

You want a definition of the individual, of what a human is, okay, here it is: All we are, are our choices. So as small a part we play in this game where we have little control, our choices don't make us insignificant, no, but it makes every individual of utmost significance. I've purposely left God out of the equation so far, but my name is Sir Christian-A-Lot, so there's no hiding that this belief is linked to God. How wonderful a God, who by the way, if he does exist as I believe with my whole heart he does-- that God who CAN control EVERY SINGLE thing in this universe from planets to DNA, who has ordered and patterned all things in an organized and beautiful way, STILL puts love Over His own CONTROL, and so allows each tiny individual that most glorious word: Choice.

God relinquished a "perfect" world of order and beauty to instead have a world with those things but over it, is Individual Choice and above that, Love. For as Mr. Scoff said, without choice, we'd be robots. and robots, programmed, cannot love. for love to exist, there must be the ability to CHOOSE not to love, or to hate, or to love something else. It's choice that gives Love it's strength, its truth, its power.

So even though I believe God has ordained and knows and controls the FATE of all humanity and the universe, He is also wise enough to know that it would be pointless if every individual didn't have a say in his or her part in that fate. See, God's gunna do what God's gunna do, the Storm at sea is gunna do what the storm at sea is gunna do, but we can choose what WE want to do in that storm. Do you jump ship, do you trust the boat, do you go to sleep, do you call for help, do you clench your fist at the storm and aim your boat straight for it in protest, I don't know. It's something only you can answer, and THAT is the point. The choices are limitless. But making the right one or the wrong one, can and will make all the difference. Choice is quite a gift AND quite a responsibility, and we should treat it as such. And we should be in awe of the fate that is a tidal wave above us.


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